Saturday, 29 October 2011

Ladies with Too Much Energy

It's my best and worst attribute. I am a great motivator, worker bee, marathoner and social mixer. I forget what I was doing five minutes ago because someone mentioned outdoors endurance events/waxwings/sushi/men in lycra. Here are a few other ladies with too much energy I know, and why I love them so...

*names have not been changed to protect the innocent, but I'm not linking up their info until I get their permission.

Vanessa Frank - retired wardrobe mistress, diary dragon, mittel-European, ginger giant. We look hilarious when we step out on the town together. She thinks I'm even more shameless than she is. Not sure if she's right. Always guaranteed a viewpoint you'd never even thought existed when in conversation which is very healthy and helps me avoid sliding into suburban oblivion.

Poppy Humphrey - ace student, ex-labour party soldier, fake Jew (kidding, Pops!). So committed to her career and studies even her delightful beau has no idea what to do with her. Never afraid to admit she doesn't know about something and never afraid to pursue that something until she knows everything there is to know. Her mock horror at mucky talk/films/True Blood always tickles me.

Dr Rachel Walton - The witch doctor. Not put off by 8 months of unemployment, set about reinventing freeganing, campaigning for allotment space for her hometown, mixing up new recipes of rosehips, crabapples, nettles and anything else she could pick and yomping about the hills burning off her anger. Now thankfully employed researching how to make bacteria flash along to Pet Shop Boys songs to help cure the collywobbles. Science needs ladies like her - listen up government. A well-rounded (only in intellectual terms) lady Dr who will benefit her field.

And finally, the opposite. Ladies like us need reining in. Step forward Rachel Morgan-Trimmer. Measured, educated, straightforward and just ..well..less frantic than I. And better at baking.

This is how I try to balance my energy. It irritates the hell out of a lot of my colleagues friends and probably even people who don't know me. But if you've got a cause and you need a supporter, I'm your man :)