The glamour of Fellrunning, a bullet point list by me. Written from a female point of view though some points are co-ed. Many of these could well apply to road running, or any running..
- Cutting about 3 toenails. Wresting the remaining excuses for nails into some kind of shape which either looks like a nail, can be painted to look like a nail, and doesn't rip neighbouring bits of flesh to shreds whilst using feet for racing.
- Wondering exactly how much of your recent piss is soaking into your sock/shoe/ leggings after being blown haphazardly about in a surprise breeze
- Scrubbing valiantly at the fingers and fingernails on a Sunday night so as not to turn up to the office with the hands of a potato farmer at harvest time.
- Giving up on above task and using nail polish as peat concealer
- When racing as a pair, quickly discovering why not to run behind certain partners after feed stops, due to the 'music' emanating from them
- Buffs cover a multitude of hair sins. Praise be to the makers of Buffs.
- NEVER being able to wear anything with bare legs to a party or family occasion, unless wishing to be subjected to multiple 'you've been in the wars dear haven't you' s