Saturday, 23 January 2016

5 months and still running

I'm now 21 weeks, or 5 months and a week, pregnant 

I came back after the Christmas break feeling a lot more energetic than before it. I think this was a combination of having had a couple of weeks off work, and being well into the 'second trimester ' where basically all the major construction work inside me is done, and the wee thing just needs to keep growing now.
I've not raced but I have got back into a more regular pattern of running, about three times a week. Club 'pack runs' have been a great motivater as they always are. It's nice to look forward to chatter and news as well as a decent 10k or so road running.  I've also been out on the local trails and, at weekends, the local fells. I've got quite apprehensive about fellrunning of late though it turns out I can comfortably do two and a half hours steady paced. Ascending is pretty tough due to the kid nicking my oxygen, but the routes I've done haven't included significant height gain. Walking uphill is the order of the day for me now. I'm still thankfully not feeling any issues with balance on the downhill stretches and I've noticed I'm taking a lot more care about foot placement.
I feel I must point out that running with bump isn't always without a little discomfort.  It feels heavy sometimes, and makes me feel like I need more wee stops. I try to keep my hips forward and engage my pelvic floor a little, and that usually helps. I can cope with discomfort,  though if that becomes pain then I'll stop.

New maternity running kit!

The 'Mums 2b fitwear' leggings were the very first item of maternity clothing I ordered.  it wasn't that easy to find them online, there seem to be only two or three sites which specialise in pregnancy sportswear, and then Amazon.  I paid more to buy from someone who I hope benefits from the sale,  and pays taxes. They are a nice fit, I got a size 10 which I what I usually take in leggings as eights are a bit tight for me. I bought the shortest ones they have which sit just on my knee, taller women would end up with them just above the knee like long shorts.

Me running along the hill wearing my new leggings
Putting the leggings to good use on Cock Hill
The 'comfort/supporting' waistband feels great. It folds in half for now, and will roll right up over the bump if I want it to. They're better than regular running pants because there is nothing cinching into the midsection of my bump, and they stay up too. The fabric is soft rather than shiny. I can't vouch for its wicking properties yet as I've been out in them on dry days and nights thus far. They miss two vital features for running: a small pocket, and a high visibility logo or stripe. I believe they've been designed with gym users in mind. Manufacturers take note of a gap in the market for proper running pants for preggers women - I'm sure they don't all stay indoors to exercise. I'm really happy with them otherwise. The waistband does slip down a little whilst I run but as I grow rounder, I can unfold it and have full bump cover and better snugness.

Things I have learned about pregnancy (practical bullet-point alert) 

Baths are ace and lovely but due to the way one has to avoid the use of one's mid-section during the sitting up/lying down movement, have got a bit tricky. We can't afford a new bathroom with a giant bath so I'm just doing lots of turning on my side, cursing and carefully getting up when shampoo/soap/more hot water is needed. 

My bump is smaller in the mornings than it is in the evenings. I've been told this is normal and having read up on it, it's either because my abs are fed up of holding it in by the end of the day, or my intestines are bigger in the evening cos they have more undigested food in them . I'll go with either of those.

I get told to 'be careful' or 'take care of myself' a lot. I appreciate the sentiment and its's nice to know folks care for my wellbeing. I haven't ever not taken care of myself pre-pregnancy though, so I'm just doing what I always do :) I don't like danger!! 

My body hair growth rate has slowed right down. Hooray, it's not all drudge and carefully-chosen waistbands/shoes/underwear..!

There are plenty of tops and dresses in the regular fashion collections in eg H and M which will do for maternity wear, it's bottoms where it gets tricky.  I wish I'd bought some maternity jeans earlier. You can wing it on regular ones til about 20 weeks but it's better to have the comfort band bit. ahhhhh comfort!

I've 'gone public' at work mainly because my belly is growing at a rate of knots now and everyone's been great. However, people really don't notice your shape as much as you think they might as most of them are like 'I didn't notice a bump!' One friend at a party said 'oh yeah I did wonder why a slim girl was wearing a smock'

Monday, 4 January 2016

Slowing down

I saw it! It was magical. From having the knowledge that a person was growing within me, to seeing its minute arms and legs dancing around as the sonographer prodded to get it to turn to the correct angle for measuring. Be a good foetus at your scan,  little one!

A few days later I lined up at the Famous Grouse start line. I warmed up, seeking friends from other clubs to share my news with. "don't be worrying about me catching you on the climb, I'm pregnant " That race was the first one where I've felt my ability lessening. The first mile or so is a steady, runnable climb up a lane, and I quickly felt the power drain from my legs. I eased into just jogging along, rather than my usual attacking pace. Telling the people I usually race beside was a tactic to ensure I wouldn't get the 'race face' out. It didn't really stop me however. I saw a runner I usually finish near to leading a small group ahead,  and had a small internal battle with myself,  resulting in me allowing myself to keep her in sight, without chasing close to her. I saw race stalwart Nick Ham in front of me, and to my delight realised my new placing in the field meant that I'd be able to feature in one of his well-known race photographs.
Descent at Famous Grouse, photo by Nick Ham 

On reaching the flatter parts of the course I tested my legs and realised I could keep a stronger pace,  overtaking some of the hesitant descenders on the downhill stretches and keeping my 'rabbit' well in reach. The last stretch and my race face came back, as I heard a young woman I'd marked as a 'roadrunner' raggedly panting a few metres behind me so I gave it a bit of welly. My fellrunners pride was not going to let me lose a place to her.
It was a good experience as my first race feeling the effects of my passenger,  and also being able to outwardly declare that my racing was changing.  I was quite knackered for the rest of the day, which is another new thing for me to work around.

During the first trimester I only had a few days of utter exhaustion, requiring me to stay off work and take to my bed, and no nausea to speak of. I know this puts me in a lucky group. Symptoms wise, the tiredness and some pretty impressive bloating after eating are all that I'm noticing. I've signed up with Lynne at Global Therapies who will be ensuring that I develop the strength necessary for becoming a mum. I've never followed a strength training program before and I know it can benefit any runner. It feels good to be doing it now,  for me and the baby, and it's made a pleasure by her enthusiasm for sharing her knowledge about pregnancy fitness, and her cheerful practical nature.

Now, at sixteen weeks, my favourite running shorts from inov-8 are getting too uncomfortable. I'm usually out in the old pair of leggings with the knackered elastic.  I have a small bump which is plain if I'm in running gear or a swimming costume. My weekly mileage is somewhere around ten or fifteen, not really through choice, more due to a recent work schedule with lots of travel. I tested my downhill balance on a very familiar descent the other night and my feet remain steady. I've run at two cross-country fixtures,  notorious for their red-hot pace and filthy weather. Both times I have consciously made sure my effort level has remained well below 80 percent and graciously accepted that my erstwhile rivals will finish ahead of me.

At Sherdley Park XC, about 10 weeks pregnant 
I feel the month ahead will be the make or break month. My passenger is totally feeding from my nutrients and oxygen now, and will grow at a greater rate. The bump may affect my balance . How it affects my energy levels remains to be seen. Don't think for a moment that any wintry weather will hold me back. As long as I go out with trusted friends, and have an agreed  plan B whenever I do, I will continue to enjoy the fells. I am fortunate to be part of a very supportive running club, in which I know I can find routes to suit whatever I feel I can handle.

My last race of 2015 was the Auld Lang Syne at Haworth,  a crazy Christmas party of a race famed for its raucous and generous prize presentation and a high proportion of fancy dress. It was a milestone for me in two ways as I decided it'd be the last race I'd commit to doing, for the foreseeable future.  I completed the race six minutes slower than I did two years ago and enjoyed it every bit as much.

Today I ordered some maternity running shorts (yes they exist, though the choices were few) so I'll let you know how they go in a few weeks.