For December, I'm going to write on each day until Christmas, about someone who has inspired me. I hope you find it interesting. Christmas for me is a time to reflect and be thankful for the great people I know, so this is where the idea for this came from.
1st December : Kay Andrews
Kay was the headteacher of my infant school in Cardiff. She arrived, replacing the Trunchbullesque previous head, when I was about 6 or 7. She blew in like a breath of fresh spring air. She was fashionable , warm and enthusiastic and gave great assemblies. I was in awe of her talents. I realised that a young woman could have a successful job and still do cool girl stuff too.
December 2nd : Zola Budd
Sticking in the schoolgirl era, I watched the 1984 Olympics fanatically. Zola Budd drew me to her because her name began with 'Z' like mine, and she was a slight brunette who was a bit different to the rest. She seemed more natural compared to the painted gazelles from the USA and other teams . I wasn't into running as a kid but I dreamed of being an Olympian. Even as a child I could see that she had such great ability but was somehow sad and frightened . On the day she fell in that race with Mary Decker, my heart was in my mouth. I was transfixed and devastated.
This is going to be interesting. Ever thought that you yourself probably inspire other people?